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Factors affect taking charge at vingroup corporation

Factors affect taking charge at vingroup corporation
Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Company Brief introduction
2. Organizational Structure of Vingroup
3. Corporate Culture of Vingroup
4. Motivation of The Research
5. Research Problem Statements
6. Purpose of The Research
7. Scope of The Research
8. Significance of The Research
9. Limitation of The Research
Chapter II: Literature Review
1. Job Demand and Decision Latitude
2. Supervisory Support
3. Distributive and Procedural Justice
4. Organizational Commitment
5. Taking Charge
Chapter III: Research model and hypotheses
1. Research Model
2. Hypotheses
2.1. Job characteristics
Research Project - Student: Nguyễn Đình Như Hà 4
2.2. Organizational Commitment
2.3. Organizational Justice
2.4. Workplace Behaviors
3. Research Participants
4. Data Collection Procedure
Chapter IV: Analysis and results
1. Cronbach’s Alpha
2. Descriptive Statistic
3. Hypothesis Testing
3.1. Hypothesis 1 Testing Results
3.2. Hypothesis 2 Testing Results
3.3. Hypothesis 3 Testing Results
3.4. Hypothesis 4 Testing Results
Chapter V: Conclusion
1. Summary of The Results
2. Discussion and Recommendation
3. Limitation
Appendix 1: Survey Questionnaire

Appendix 2: Presentation Slides

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